Pennsylvania Overnight Camps
81 Camps
Showing camps: 71 - 80
Showing camps: 71 - 80
Shohola is a third generation family owned traditional boys camp with everything your son wants.
Explore your interests in one of three options: broadcast journalism, digital journalism or film.
Camp Weequahic offers a complete, traditional co-ed camping experience in an exclusive three week session. Campers parti...
Jumonville offers Christian Arts, Adventure, Sports and Sampler camps for all ages, plus family camps. Come to the mount...
In NE PA, traditional, caring environment with horseback riding and a 2:1 counselor/camper ratio.
Come discover the excitement of a Christ-centered life! Activities include archery, swim, horses.
Our programs are designed to instill strong character, develop positive, & meaningful relationships.
Camp Manatawny is a Christian Camp dedicated to serving people by providing programs and resources that encourage spirit...
Join the Magic of Camp at Intense Tennis Camps at Slippery Rock U. of Pa, 6/16-20/19; 7/28-8/1/19.