North Carolina Coed Overnight Camps
28 Camps
Showing camps: 21 - 28
Showing camps: 21 - 28
Features a five day camp in which high school students can participate in the Drum Major Track, Leadership Track, or Mar...
Kanata is a beautiful 10 week camp with about 200 kids each week. We have several water attractions and a ropes course. ...
Explore the Ocean and the world of Sea Turtles, through our hands on marine science summer camps!
EXPLO is a unique, immersive summer program for grades 6-8 offering 2-week residential and day programs.
6 Points Sports Academy, is the first intentionally Jewish sports overnight camp in the country.
Seeking counselors to spend the summer at the Autism Society of NC Summer Camp for children and adults on the autism spe...
Camp Albemarle offers sailing swimming and much more in a fun, safe, caring Christian environment
The Penn Center is a non-profit organization offering year round programs to youth and adults.