Oregon Coed Day Camps
35 Camps
Showing camps: 21 - 30
Showing camps: 21 - 30
Open from 7:30am to 6:00pm Mon-Fri. Day trips to OMSI, Zoo, Inflatable Kingdom plus more!
June 21-25th, 2021. Serving graduated Pre-k to entering 6th grade. 9-3pm, Early bird $225 by May 1
Offers 5-day summer camps to help kids with disabilities learn to ride regular bicycles.
Campers start each day by helping with morning chores- collecting eggs, cleaning stalls and feeding.
Collect the eggs, Milk the cow, Harvest the crops, experience a substainable organic farm life.
Horse back riding camps for both children and adults! Scholar ships available. Not For Profit.
World class martial arts and other super fun activities lead to the best summer ever!!!
Spend your summer at the premiere acting school in the NW and study with the professionals!
Unique, hands-on learning opportunities designed to stretch the limits of imagination and adventure.