Georgia Coed Camps
82 Camps
Showing camps: 71 - 80
Showing camps: 71 - 80
Business and investing camp for teens. Campers will learn how to write a business plan, read the WSJ and statements, how...
QUALITY HORSE SUMMER CAMPS. Quality instruction both English & Western by qualified trainers! FUN!!
Week-long music, dance & drama camp for 4th–12th grade. July 11-15 or July 25-29. $150 per student.
Visit the YoungBiz web site or call us to learn more about our programs offered during the school year!
Journey Summer Arts Camp is a coed 9 week day camp for children ages 5-13 years old.
Journey's camp focuses on dance, ...
Gives kids & teens with a physical disability a chance participate in a variety of adaptive sports.
Various types of horseback riding camp available resonably priced contact Kimberly for more info.
Named a TOP 5 THEATRE CAMP by Educational Theatre, SSTI enters it's 8th season of training the next generation of Broadw...
Special Needs day camp run by a therapy company. Offering fun, theraputic activities.
Unforgettable camp experience against a backdrop of nature’s beauty. Great activities indoor and out. Best Summer Ever!