New York Day Camps
127 Camps
Showing camps: 11 - 20
Showing camps: 11 - 20
Visit our website for more information and to register for this summer!
Performing,Singing,Comedy,Dance,Tai Chi,Puppetry,BoardGameFun!Enroll by April 30 & SAVE!Kids K-9th.
Nation’s first teen film acting program taught by industry professionals. Hundreds of graduates in TV, film, Broadway. 3...
Camp Community offers arts and recreational activities and differentiated academics w for ages 4-13.
Create and perform a mini-musical in our oringial one week- or our new two week-long format.
A fun way to introduce new riders to horses & advance the education and skill of experienced riders.
With dance, film, music, and behind the scenes magic, this is a revelatory experience for teens!
Top-notch culinary instruction + restaurant tours while exploring NYC!