Georgia Day Camps
78 Camps
Showing camps: 11 - 20
Showing camps: 11 - 20
Exciting art activities to teach social and friendship skills, anxiety and anger management, & more
Pottery Camps, $100 wk
M-F morning 9-12 or afternoon 1-4 sessions
handbuild and wheel throwing
Discover the wonders of the sea with our hands-on, brains-on marine science camps for grades 4-12.
Sign your child up for one of our fun summer day camps and boredom will be a thing of the past.
Week-long music, dance & drama camp for 4th–12th grade. July 11-15 or July 25-29. $150 per student.
Come and learn the fundamentlas of Fashion Design as we teach Fashion Sketching,sewing & patterns
Workshops include theater and film, and allow students to work behind and in front of the lights.
Age 6-17
2D,3D,Mobile Gamedesign, Minecraft, Website design, Robotics, Drones, Make Computers, A.I.