Coed Day Camps
1575 Camps
Showing camps: 531 - 540
Showing camps: 531 - 540
Red Bank School of Rock offers one week rock music camps all summer long. All skills levels welcome
An incredible opportunity for your preteen to try multiple instruments in one week, even if they’re a complete beginner!
STEM & career exploration camp for grades 5-8. M-F sessions begin 6/20 & 6/27. $225/per session.
Junior Golf program with PGA Professionals providing intruction for aspiring Junior Golfers and scholarship winner annua...
Day Camp in UNC-Charlotte area. Each week is a different theme. Regular Registration now through April 30. Camp begins...
Expeditions and hands-on activities to learn about coastal environments, habitats and wildlife.
11th annual camp for grades 4-6 and grades 7-12. Singing, art, drama, dance, stomp band, worship.
Pegasus Farm offers both Horse Camps and Art Camps for children of all abilities.
Two-week day camps offered in MUSICAL THEATRE, CREATIVE DRAMATICS & COMEDY in Watchung & Parsippany