Coed Religious Overnight Camps
111 Camps
Showing camps: 51 - 60
Showing camps: 51 - 60
Building relationships and impacting lives for Jesus Christ through fun and challenging activities.
Established co-ed camp two hours from NYC. Intro rates for new families. Our summers last a lifetime
Camp Manatawny is a Christian Camp dedicated to serving people by providing programs and resources that encourage spirit...
We are a summer camping program that offers horse camps, youth camps, family camps and special needs
outdoor activities, arts workshops, meaningful ministry, arts, skits, multimedia and more!
EXPLO is a unique, immersive summer program for grades 6-8 offering 2-week residential and day programs.
Designed to provide a mountain top encounter with Jesus Christ for young people in the L.A. area.
JCC Maccabi Camp Kingswood is a Jewish, co-ed, overnight camp for children entering grades 3-11 located in Bridgton, Mai...
Where real friends, real life, & real faith meet! Traditional resident camp with Christian emphasis.