Coed Assorted Arts Day Camps
40 Camps
Showing camps: 11 - 20
Showing camps: 11 - 20
Moana, Trolls, Jake & Neverland Pirates, Sing; ART & MUSIC CAMPS Jun-Aug. 10-1pm Call fro more info!
smART Moves! art camp is presented by MU's School of Visual Studies in Columbia, Missouri.
This 8-week camp offers kids ages 5 to 15 the unique opportunity to learn the basics of moviemaking involving martial ar...
ARTScape & Teen ARTS campers age 4-17 explore music, dance, theater & visual arts classes.
Unique art camps that merge art with science, history, music and physical activities.
5 camps to choose from. Explore theatre, arts, science and culture. Ages 4-8. $150/nonmembers.
Creative & Performing Arts 7/24-8/11:Theater Exp, EcoArt, Magic & More, Leader-in-training age 5-16
A creative arts summer camp centered on classic children's books for children ages 4-8.
Youth from all over the Salt Lake valley will experience the many facets of the "limelight"
Our camps encourage and empower kids to explore a variety of art disciplines and diverse media.