Pennsylvania Coed Overnight Camps
65 Camps
Showing camps: 41 - 50
Showing camps: 41 - 50
Capital Camps is a Jewish Community Centers Association (JCCA) and American Camping Association (ACA) accredited camp fo...
Camp Harmony invites all people to grow in closer harmony with God, nature, and one another.
An adult ice hockey camp experience offering a weekend of fun, learning, skill development and camaraderie. Camps are h...
Camp Manatawny is a Christian Camp dedicated to serving people by providing programs and resources that encourage spirit...
10 weeks of camp for adults with developmental disabilities including specialized 1:1 sessions.
Growing Green environmentally friendly ESEP residential camp at PEEC in the Pocono Mts.
Explore your interests in one of three options: broadcast journalism, digital journalism or film.
Extreme racquet sports camp specializing in tennis with an intro to badminton, squash, and ping pong
We host video game, science and technology, and traditional summer camp