Coed Academic Overnight Camps
130 Camps
Showing camps: 21 - 30
Showing camps: 21 - 30
This summer, harness your child’s passion for video games to fuel their future.
A prestigious British summer school for bright young people held on the Oxford University campus.
Our individualized programs have helped campers position themselves for future success since 1975.
The Centennial Forest provides fun and exciting environmental education at multiple summer camps.
Sea Camp is a one week adventure on the island of Little Cayman. Living with educators and scientists campers SCUBA div...
An intensive experience for high school students & graduates with a passion for career paths in the medical field.
The Game Experience is designed to give an in-depth look into the video game industry.
Google: NIU summer camps for more information!
Writing, Science, Film, Leadership & more!
A field science program for students, teachers, and parents interested in archaeology, history and science. Work alongs...