Coed Day Camps
1575 Camps
Showing camps: 11 - 20
Showing camps: 11 - 20
Include fun & age appropriate games, training in martial arts, life skills, bully free safety skills
IH NY brings both of these experiences together to create the ultimate educational adventure.
Camp that incorporates specially chosen activities to enrich and align children through yoga.
MLS (Major League Soccer) camp for kids 8-18, full days 9-3 or half days 9-12.
Ages 8-15, August 10-14, Monday-Friday 9:00-3:00, Final Production 3:00
561-574-5888. Daily horseback riding, swimming, fieldtrips, sports, crafts & so much more! Fun!
TechKnowHow offers fun and enriching Computer and LEGO Summer Camps for students, ages 6-16.
Our classes include Gam...
Travel for Teens offers trips to Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Costa Rica, and the USA for teens a...
Come and be inspired by our award-winning artists as they unleash your creativity! Week-long sessions include expressiv...