Coed Computer Day Camps
Coed Computer Day camps and programs listed in the summer camp directory.
18 Camps
Showing camps: 1 - 10
Showing camps: 1 - 10
Discover the wonders of the sea with our hands-on, brains-on marine science camps for grades 4-12.
Monday - Friday August 13 - 17 2007. 9 AM - 4 PM
"Computer programming using Microworlds 2.03 Logo Language.
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ALS Summer Camps offer interactive, fun and mind stimulating camps.
College for Kids is a non-residential summer enrichment program for children who have completed grades 2-11. A wide ra...
The Game Experience is designed to give an in-depth look into the video game industry.
Techno-tainment Camp employs the latest technologies to make education fun
The camp offers technology-based classes l...
CC4K offers week-long camps in Cartoon Creation, Robotics, Multimedia and more at Mississauga SS.
MiBytes is a computer camp where students learn computer science using engaging, hands-on projects.
In-depth and highly-creative enrichment in technnology, science, humanities, arts and business