Academic Camps
338 Camps
Showing camps: 301 - 310
Showing camps: 301 - 310
Summer Explorations Program Office at 201. 568-5566 ext. 7150.
Visit the YoungBiz web site or call us to learn more about our programs offered during the school year!
Explore complexity through two weeks of intensive research in cutting edge complexity science.
5-day STEAM camps that run from 9AM to 4PM, Monday through Friday during Winter, Summer and Spring break.
Wall Street 101 is a one-week residential summer program that offers students a fun and interactive opportunity to learn...
CSG summer programs offers co-ed programs that develop new interests and friendships in fun, learning-centered environme...
Visit our website for more information and to register for this summer!
During the summer, and other holiday school breaks, learn how astronauts live and work in space.
Monday - Friday August 13 - 17 2007. 9 AM - 4 PM
"Computer programming using Microworlds 2.03 Logo Language.
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A summer full of fun field trips, in-depth studies of story-telling, and lots of writing practice.