Washington D.C. Coed Day Camps
Washington D.C. Coed Day camps and programs listed in the CampResource.com summer camp directory.
8 Camps
Showing camps: 1 - 8
Showing camps: 1 - 8
#1 day camps, multi-sport camps, single sports camps and specialty camps for children ages 3½-14
Discover the wonders of the sea with our hands-on, brains-on marine science camps for grades 4-12.
Ages 6-12, will participate in classes, workshops, and rehearsals for Disney's Mulan and Tom Sawyer.
Encouraging all children to experience, appreciate, and become stewards of the natural environment.
Specialty camps in musical theater, photography, rock and roll, ceramics, modern dance, and drama.
Schooner Camp, a 5 day camp (ages 12 to 17), teaches the skills necessary to sail a 65 ft. schooner.
Professional acting training in Studio Acting Conservatory's full-day Young Actors Summer Intensive (ages 10-17)!
Campers discover strengths, exercise creativity, overcome academic difficulties, and have fun!