Massachusetts Coed Overnight Camps
Massachusetts Coed overnight, sleepaway and residential camps and programs listed in the summer camp directory.
33 Camps
Showing camps: 1 - 10
Showing camps: 1 - 10
Wall Street 101 is a one-week residential summer program that offers students a fun and interactive opportunity to learn...
2, 4 and 8 week sessions for campers in grades 2- 10 from New England, MD, DC and VA. Creative Arts * Waterfront * Juda...
This summer, harness your child’s passion for video games to fuel their future.
Summer Jazz/Recording Camp at SSU. Study with the Masters. Entering thru graduating HS.July 8-13 550
Camp Turing Is a Computer camp for both boys an girls. We teach computer programming and video game design. We also offe...
Meet students from across the USA, team up to travel and work abroad. Travel to the UK, Peru, China
Explore complexity through two weeks of intensive research in cutting edge complexity science.
1-8 week teenage bicycle-touring trips in the U.S.
Offers low income youth in NYC a range of challenging educational programs designed to increase their knowledge & unders...