California Coed Specialty Program Day Camps
California Coed Specialty Program Day camps and programs listed in the summer camp directory.
14 Camps
Showing camps: 1 - 10
Showing camps: 1 - 10
(Ages 6-13yrs)- Explore Nature, Cooking, Science, and Art in our 2-acre Edible Gardens! JUNE 15-19
Youth and teens can learn healthy eating habits through year-round culinary programs including school breaks, after-scho...
Offer a range of specialty STEM based programs that focus on how science connects to modern technologies
Whether you’re a budding artist, young inventor, or mechanic-in-the-making
Unlock your child’s creativity and passion for tech at the Applied Computing Foundation's Robotics and Programming camp.
Join us for three weeks of fun! Activities include swimming, fishing, hiking, & nature exploration!
Summer Baking and Pastry Camp - $350
Mon-Thurs-June 23-26, 2014
Mon-Thurs-August 11-14, 2014
Ignite your child’s passion for tech this summer by connecting them to our inspiring online community of coders, builder...
A unique opportunity for teenagers to get "on set" experience making music videos! June 20-24, 2011!