Oregon Coed Overnight Camps
Oregon Coed overnight, sleepaway and residential camps and programs listed in the CampResource.com summer camp directory.
20 Camps
Showing camps: 1 - 10
Showing camps: 1 - 10
Beautiful, rustic site on the Sandy River.
EXPLO is a unique, immersive summer program for grades 6-8 offering 2-week residential and day programs.
The only summer camp in nation where kids learn to safely climb giant 100-300ft tall old-growth trees.
Unique, hands-on learning opportunities designed to stretch the limits of imagination and adventure.
Helping make the classroom come to life for students of all ages on the Oregon Coast.
Serving children ages 7-16 throughout the Pacific Northwest and beyond, B'nai B'rith Camp offers a wide range of activit...
Spiritual quest program - not a summer camp - an
experience that will change your life forever
Our unique expeditions combine backpacking skills with field science, giving your child hands-on experience ranging from...
Horse back riding camps for both children and adults! Scholar ships available. Not For Profit.
35 miles east of Medford, in the Rogue valley of sourthern Oregon, a small camp community wonderful for up to 90 persons...