Alberta Coed Day Camps
Alberta Coed Day camps and programs listed in the summer camp directory.
16 Camps
Showing camps: 1 - 10
Showing camps: 1 - 10
Make your own Cartoons! Kids learn to animate through drawing, cut outs, and plastercine!
Fundamentals of on-camera technique are introduced through scene work and exploration of audition process.
Discover the wonders of the sea with our hands-on, brains-on marine science camps for grades 4-12.
Fun-filled, active, and extraordinary camps!
The camp runs Monday to Friday. Every day Teen are introduced to a guest who provides tips on an asp
Wilderness camp with Chapel, campfires, canoeing, archery, swimming, horsemanship and climbing wall.
Professional instruction since 1963 with multiple summer locations.
Green & Gold Sport Camps provide participants with a fun-filled athletic development experience.
What are you waiting for? For 5 full days, come experience the magic of music as a family!
Week long adventure on horseback during July and August for youths aged 8 to 16